My Life

I Love My Blackberry

Everyone who knows me is aware of the fact that I’m a geek addicted to all things web, web 2.0 and social media. I’m currently being paid to be a web geek (I LOVE MY GIG), so all aspects of my life call for me to be in front of a screen for at least 8 hours a day.

My detachment from most things electronic is usually my commute to and from work. Until I went and got a Blackberry a couple of weeks ago. *doom music plays* dun dun dun!!!!.

My Blackberry is my leash to the information superhighway, and I need to get off at the next exit and take a rest break. The 45 mins on the bus that I used to spend thinking about life’s queries (what DID come first, the chicken or egg?), what kind of rice I’m eating today (jollof, fried, or thai), or getting mad that I can’t solve the day’s 5-star Sudoku puzzle is now spent scrolling through my email, my favorite blogs, or playing the addictive game “BrickBreaker”.

I cue violins, and maybe an oboe, for my thumbs (I’d hate to have arthritis at the tender age of 45), my eyes (staring at a mini-screen all day cannot be healthy. My ophthalmologist will not be happy), and my neck (I already had bad posture). I think Blackberries are a part of a bigger plan to turn humans into robotic, crooked thumbed, squinting fools with early age advanced rheumatoid arthritis.

Despite all of that, here I am. Looks like I will be keeping RedBerry (my phone’s name) for a while.

*Sigh* Save me from myself (and this Crackberry). Am I the only one addicted to this gadget (or any of its kind? I know some iPhone folks probably have this same problem). The love of my life. The bane of my existence
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  1. NaturallyAlise
    October 22, 2008 at 12:34 am

    My name is Nat Al and I am a crackberry addict. I can’t help it, it’s like that sh*t be calling me…. is there a 12-step for gadgets? If so I need one, but with like 22 steps. (Why when I was in the hospital I cried until someone brought me my crackberry and laptop. Nevermind the IV’s, broken bones, and oxygen…. lol)

  2. LuLu
    October 22, 2008 at 6:29 am

    Putting up the sign of the cross here. I haven’t delved into these yet but keep looking wistfully at them. No no no…I can’t do it. I would never phone my family to see how they are.

  3. KindredSmile
    October 22, 2008 at 9:16 am

    So *this* whatchu be doing @ night, hoe? Me and Redberry gwine have serious beef if you keep this up!

  4. sabrina
    October 22, 2008 at 8:31 pm

    Love mine!

  5. circumstance
    October 23, 2008 at 9:20 am

    I’ve had a SilverBerry (and now RedBerry) for a little over a year. When I first started navigating my Curve I realized true true love.

    I couldn’t survive this life without it. Now, I’m impatitently awaiting the release of the BlackBerry Storm.

  6. Agent Elle
    October 23, 2008 at 10:29 am

    Eeeee I have one of those! Only mine’s silver (with a pink cover). I named her Trixie.

    BlackBerries are truly amazing.

  7. suga
    October 30, 2008 at 3:53 pm

    I dont have a Blackberry but I ido have a Treo from Sprint, and once I set up my email and realized I could access Google Reader and Facebook on it, my life has gone downhill lmao

  8. Luvvie (aka Queen IG)
    November 14, 2008 at 10:55 am

    NatAl – Yes, there needs to be a 12 step program for the crack that is the Bberry.

    LuLu – Do your best to resist b/c once it gets you, its like Quicksand You cant get out

    Kindred – Yes, I admit it *hangs head in shame*

    Sabrina – I heart mine too

    Circumstance – Oh man, that Blackberry Storm looks awesome. Will wait a bit b4 getting it since RedBerry is so new

    Agent Elle – I love the name, Trixie

    Suga – Yes, and my RedBerry has google chat too. So yes, my fingers weep.